The Magdalen & Lasher Charity

Finance, Property & General Purposes

The Charity is able to fund its activities through investments and property income. The FP&GP Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the portfolio of freehold property and, with a small number of exceptions, these properties are rented out and managed by Oakfield Property.

The Trustees do not arrange for the letting of properties directly, and so any enquiries regarding the availability of rental property and/or enquiries from tenants regarding repairs, maintenance or related issues should be to Oakfield.

The FP&GP Committee is also responsible for setting annual budgets, producing regular income and expenditure management accounts and liaising with the accountants and auditors prior to submission of the Annual Return to the Charity Commission.

In addition to the above, the FP&GP Committee takes on major issues remitted to it by the Board of Trustees affecting the Charity which fall outside the terms of reference of the individual committees.